Monday, November 17, 2008

Big Game 2007: Hail Stanford Hail!

Dear All,

I write this mail today in a state of complete eutopia. All my life I
have wanted to be there and feel the heat. And at IITK this wish has
been granted but partly. Today was one of the most sensational days I
have had till date. Every time, I come out of this state of cloud
number nine, I feel this was it..I just experienced the most happiest
moment in my life..but then there is always next time. Today was
different. If God appears right now and grants me a wish, it surely
will be to go few hours back in time to live those moments which I
think I already lived perfectly.

Enough said, what was it? It was the evening of a really over-hyped
event in the history of College Football in US, the traditional
Big-Game where Stanford fights Berkeley. It is the last game of the
season and thus the last for many players too which adds to the
emotional drama. The preparations begin a week ago itself and the week
is known as Big-game week. The effect can be felt in classes too with
professors discussing it. The importance can be gauged by various
facts like the game is broadcasted over ESPN and many alumni's take a
week off and hold Big-game meetings.

Switching to the statistics, Stanford has not had won a game since
2001. We (me and shahi) have been going whole season to support
Stanford and they have not won one in the newly constructed billion
dollar stadium. But then those mathematicians solving probability
aloof on their benches are not always fools. There is always a finite
probability of a miracle taking place. That is the beauty of sports
where everything is largely unpredictable.

I shall describe the match now. If you are really pressed for time
or/and feel that I am writing junk, you can skip to the video that I
have uploaded on youtube.

The match begins 4:00 pm and we enter 2:45. Tattoos, goggles and some
other stupid things for free. The atmosphere is extremely enthusiastic
and by all standards meets my enthu level. The stadium is as if the
gladiator is being shot :) The band performs, the planes fly over the
stadium, the fireworks takes place and the game begins. So be it.

The very first quarter and Stanford scores in first five minutes. I am
excited too because only few times Stanford has scored. We are into
the lead 7-0. Few minutes later berkley scores and the score equals
7-7. Into the second quarter, Stanford scores a field goal followed by
their and we lead 13-10 once again.

Stanford goes into the half time with the lead. The crowd is
sensational, on its feet. They are crazy because this is not what one
would expect from Stanford who has'nt won a game in the season but
one. and I am praying god, please ..please, let this be the day. I
shall not ask for anything more..Stanford comes in and is putting its
heart out, one can feel it in their diving efforts and superb defense.
Into the third quarter and we score one leads
20-10...ohh,,my, the crowd is out of control now. Shahi has seen a
match in Eden but has never heard such a roar from the crowd....The
chants of "Who sucks?, Cal Sucks?!", "Go, Stanford, Go!"
and "Bring home the axe" are still so fresh in my ears.

The last quarter and we are 20-10. For the first time, we start
realizing that we might win it. We reach the 10 yard line but miss a
baby chance to score a field goal. Fuck them!!. On the other hand, Cal
is as desperate as Australia losing to Zimbabwe, converts his chance
lead reduces to 7, the score being 20-13. Last 5 minutes and I am on
my seat. Silent, nervous and excited. The 'axe' is so close. Everyone
can feel it. Last 2 minutes and the ball is in our possession. But
then the tragedy happens, the quarterback fumbles and the ball is now
surprisingly in their possession. Cal now have a super chance, their
last for sure to tie the game. They run, put all their energies and
take the ball to 10-yard line. 1:45 minutes and the last pass, the
most crucial play of the game. Cal just need 10 more yards. They
throw, the crowd is stunned as they have a player into the end
zone...he catches the ball, Cal roars but then he drops it....Ohho, he
dropped it...he dropped it...We have won...Only 1 minute to
go..Definitely we have won..We have won the axe!.

After we won, the whole crowd moved to the centre of the stadium and
the public was just if their wildest dream has just
come true. The axe is presented and the stanford anthem is sung. For
the first time, I feel that heat!!. I have had adrenaline rushes and
kicks in the past but this was unique. It was like watching a live
recording of Remember the Titans. From now on, I shall always remember
this day. I was there!

Ofcourse, the inability of words to describe a real time event and my
incompetency with english language might not express that feeling but
it was awesome.

Hail, Stanford, Hail!. Thee our alma mater.

Watch the video, it speaks for itself. I kept the camera on all the
time. At 1:25, me and shahi will also appear.

Comments invited.


1 comment:

Adwii said...

Some discription of the finale! liked it ...But since when do you become a fan of American Football?